Hahah I loved her reaction "yeah, my tits". xD
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Hahah I loved her reaction "yeah, my tits". xD
Well, as far as quizzes go, i guess it works.
But you're making it too difficult for people who don't listen to classical music frequently to answer correctly. The Answers should come as buttons, with multiple choices, except for an open-ended answer that might be wrong if i don't write the artist's name correctly (i wrote "wagner" without a capital W and didn't get the score because of that, see where i'm getting to?), it makes taking the quiz extremely time consuming and boring.
Next, try adding a bit more eye candy to the flash, if the quiz is about classical music, i don't understand why there's a background more suited to techno of the 80's and a black font that honestly clashes horrible with the background. Its legible, yes, but not pleasant to look at.
All in all, it just needs polishing. Also, try adding correct answers written by yourself with a short explanation of why, when and where, like when did X artist compose it with a bit of trivia, instead of "it was him did you get it right?".
Offer us something that we haven't seen before. :)
Erm. You mark it yourself? It doesn't auto-mark.
Multiple choice would be too easy. They're all well know pieces.
The game is incredibly broken and unpolished.
I've heard the excuse "but it was made in tgf2 what did you expect" before (not that you're using it) but really what kind of excuse is that? Anyway, this game is not finished, and that can be seen.
Fight controls are terrible, you basically glyde from left to right mashing all buttons only to see the enemy is sent flying OFF SCREEN, making you wait till he comes back within punching range only to be sent flying off the screen again.
There is absolutely no hit detection, you basically made it so when X character is at X position away from Y character and player presses an attacking button, the lifebar of the opponent will decrease. This is not correct hit detection for those games. Where are the hitboxes? Why does only ther enemy get sent flying away, but if you stay put the enemy will be placed behind you and attack you forever?
The lifebar's also another great offender, the decrease of life with each attack is so laughable you can't even bother, i mean add this with the fact that an enemy character is sent flying away from the screen and you got a game where you have to wait till the enemy comes back in, punch him to reduce his lifebar by little more than a pixel, then wait till he comes back in again.
When you defeat a character, he isn't sent flying to unconsciousness, he just stands there, striking a pose, and once i went back to the enemy selection list, i saw Stephen again, all of the other blocks were marked with a ?. What the hell do i have to do to unblock the rest of the enemies then? .-.
Graphical inconsistencies = Noob game. If you're using a style of (stolen) pixel art, then try to use the same kind of pixel art for all characters. I don't know where you got the ranma sprites from, but it's black and white and 12 bit in depth, while all of Scott Pilgrim's sprite are 16bit colored sprites, there's an excellent Ranma videogame for SNES that had much more similar sprites than those you used.
Overall, the game is simply NOT FUN, unpolished, and terribly broken.
Inb4 people rating this comment as useless for not licking the author's feet.
Oh gee
God is such a dick. :(
IIt's been 2:22 hours.
I can't close this tab, the music is just too good. Help. D:
Dude you gotsa upload the track without lyrics
Sounds perfect.
The strings are amazing, and the voices are just the right volume.
Thanks, man. A lot of hard work went into this and I'm so glad somebody likes it.
Flash is delicious. You must agree! Have you tried such a thing? Have you? Is quite good, GOOD!
Age 35
Joined on 2/24/06